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Comments By Mindy:

She used pix that weren't her to try and hide from her ex finding out for this exact reason. And now he's trying to use " Inara Serra" as a reason to get her US citizenship revoked so she'll have to go back to the UK and will never see her daughter again. It just gets worse ! It's πŸ’”. What these women did was horrendous and I can't wait til karma kicks in for them.Unfortunately the Industry is filled with evil opportunists and crazies. And it's a giant jealous filled cat box & can really suck for those of us who are the much better looking and more successful ones. And that's exactly what it was my friend had : the place with the best looking women in philly. My friends & I lost count of how many knives we have had to pull out of our backs! I've seen a lot in my 10 years but never would've thought I'd see that much betrayal and lies to the point someone would lose their child.These women *will* be held accountable.Like Mr Ambler has pointed out what they so is illegal in PA. And, Ka;

Hi Jenny. Thank you for your support and kind words! It took a lot for me to speak out. It's like reliving all of the trauma all over again. When Mr. Ambler reached out to me to discuss this last last year I didn't want to talk to him at all. I didn't want to dig it all up! I dodged him for a bit until one of my GFs told me to respond and I'm glad I did but it was rough at first. It took a lot of healing but as you can tell we are still feeling after effects to this day. Ty for your prayers! I totally I wish our prayers had helped! My friend Katie and I prayed a lot. During the stalking from those men and of course when she was going to lose her daughter. It is beyond tragic. Especially since her ex did it only to be vindictive and to spite her! And he's very emotionally abusive and we are so worried for that little girl. She just did part time sex work to help pay off her nursing school debt & help as a struggling single mother. ......;

Ok I found it!. Here is the bullshit slander these women put up about me & Mr. Ambler https://www.sheshomewrecker.com/nat…

*None* of this happened. I've never met Mr. Ambler and I also confirm that neither have my friends Meg , Kate or Bianca, Beth, etc. None of us in our friend group have met this man, and these women know this! This is what they do. Lie, slander, blame , harass, manipulate and lie some more. Blame their actions and those of others on innocent people because all they can do is hate. There was even more bullshit they put up about me too, but it was quickly taken down by the sites since it regarded my old Dungeon which is obviously Adult 18+ and had pictures of my young daughter. Yeah putting my kids face up on crap like that with my *legal name* and former dungeon addy and my *home" address! And I have a young daughter. All while there were known violent SWer serial rapists loose. And they did this to other mistresses. These women are sick! Truly deranged and sick.;

More slander of me & mr ambler put up by Giunta &
More slander of me & mr ambler put up by Giunta &

Here it is.... Heres some bullshit slander these women put up about me & Mr. Ambler https://www.sheshomewrecker.com/nationwide-disgrace-darren-ambler-and-mindy-murray/

*None* of this happened. I've never met Mr. Ambler and I also confirm that neither have my friends Meg , Kate or Bianca.None of us in our friend group have met this man and these women know this! This is what they do. Lie, slander, blame, harass, manipulate and lie some more. Blame their actions and those of others on innocent people because all they can do is hate. There was more bullshit they put up about me too, but it was quickly taken down by the sites since it regarded my old Dungeon which is obviously Adult 18+ & had pictures of my young daughter. Yeah putting my kids face up on crap like that with my *legal name* and former dungeon addy and *home" address! And I have a small little daughter. All while there was a known violent SWer serial rapists loose. These women are sick! Below is even more πŸ‘‡


More slander of me & mr Ambler by Aman & giunta
More slander of me & mr Ambler by Aman & giunta

Cont'd my friends & I. As if things weren't stressful & scary enough with what we were all going through with Torres & Callahan! I retired my business and moved due to the terror & PTSD of those guys. These girls should be locked up for what they did to all of us! They not just slandered us but also aggressively harassed all of our families, our businesses & clients & a lot more. Around that time too the brakes on my car were cut and I almost got into a fatal accident. The cops never found out who did it but I suspect Giunta or Stephanie aman. And now thanks to these girls Mr Ambler's ex employee who has been harassing him is coming after me yet again! And I don't even know him! I am so, sooooo sick and tired of seeing my friends & I being lied about, slandered and attacked by these jealous insane "providers" .Please read Mr. Ambler's blog. His version is truly the best way to explain what went down and as a fellow victim in it all I can fully confirm it's legit.;

My name is Mindy Murray Im a former retired Dominatrix and I am also a victim of Giunta & Stephanie Aman and I can confirm that what Mr. Ambler here is saying is true. He has asked me to speak out. Mr Ambler reached out to me about a year ago to find out who was screwing with all of us. If you search you can clearly see that they also slandered me online too along with my friends associating me with Darren here who I have never met either. None of us ever met this guy. Ever. I am living, breathing walking proof that these malicious girls lie through their teeth and much much more. Neither me, or any of my friends did anything they falsely wrongly accused us of doing. Darren put it best- they are malicious opportunists. They exploited a very tragic situation to use as a way to attack us---their competition. I was not just another domme victim I'm also a first hand witness to everything from the SW rapist stalkers Torres & Callahan to Giunta & her friends wrongly blaming and attacking;


Cont'd my friends & I. As if things weren't stressful & scary enough with what we were all going through with Torres & Callahan! I retired my business and moved due to the terror & PTSD of those guys. These girls should be locked up for what they did to all of us! They not just slandered us but also aggressively harassed all of our families, our businesses & clients & a lot more. Around that time too the brakes on my car were cut and I almost got into a fatal accident. The cops never found out who did it but I suspect Giunta or Stephanie aman. And now thanks to these girls Mr Ambler's ex employee who has been harassing him is coming after me yet again! And I don't even know him! I am so, sooooo sick and tired of seeing my friends & I being lied about, slandered and attacked by these jealous insane "providers" . Please read Mr. Ambler's blog. His version is truly the best way to explain what went down and as a fellow victim in it all I can fully confirm it's legit.;

My name is Mindy Murray Im a former retired Dominatrix and I am also a victim of Giunta & Stephanie A and I can confirm that what Mr. Ambler is saying is true. Mr. Ambler tracked me & some friends down about a year ago to find out who was screwing with all of us. If you search you can clearly see that they also slandered me online too along with my friends associating me with Darren here who I have never met either. None of us ever met this guy. Ever. I am living, breathing walking proof that these malicious girls lie through their teeth and much much more. Neither me, or *any* of my friends did anything they falsely wrongly accused us of doing. None of it!

Darren put it best- they are malicious opportunists. They exploited a very tragic situation to use as a way to attack us---their competition. I was not just another domme victim I'm also a first hand witness to everything from the SW rapist stalkers Torres & Callahan to Giunta & her friends wrongly blaming and attacking;