
CivilLibertyWatch Profile

Message CivilLibertyWatch

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Comments By CivilLibertyWatch:

I've got another good one, but I'm putting in relationshiop/ex-wives since its a woman who knew some cops who she persuaded to crack down on her husband.;

Good point, they tend to zero in on the most slanted versions of things to make their case even if the full version right in front of them. Arresting officers have too much leeway, but a prosecutor could never make a case with such a ridiculous idea and no intent to really motivate people to do it. Furthermore, I never said that they bystanders should have pulled a Libyan uprising on him because like I said such acts are not always smart. In this case not smart because if they did that backup would have arrested them, but it would have made a good point not worth making.;

Alright I changed my piss and puke statement to just an opinion instead of a call to action. I doubt anyone would actually do it anyway, especially the puke because people in the back of police cars are usually handcuffed and I can't think of any way one could gag themselves to do it, plus pissing yourself anywhere just makes things worse for you more than anyone else.;