
Gaige Joseph Hanrahan - Palm Coast, Florida - User and Loser

Posted on 04/18/2024

Broader Topic: Gaige Hanrahan
Sentiment: Negative
Post # 7934 posted in:
Rant & Rave - Relationships - Enemies
Palm Coast
Daytona Beach, Florida, United States

Gaige Joseph Hanrahan is a sociopathic piece of shit who wastes his entire life watching Japanese cartoons and coasting on government benefits from the Air Force. He's a pussy who never saw combat who pretends his life is like a video game at age 30. His wife, Kendra Divina Fry, is the town whore and he cheated on his high school best friend with her, and covered it up so most people didn't find out. He has no remorse and is a childish sociopath who idealizes fiction and toys because his entire real life is a pathetic mess and he hasn't grown or matured as a person at all in the past decade. Kendra has cheated on Gaige multiple times and he won't leave her because it's all he knows because he's an incel who lost his virginity to her. She DEFINITELY didn't lose her virginity to him.

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