
Kendra Divina Fry - Palm Coast, Florida - Whore and Liar

Posted on 04/18/2024

Broader Topic: Kendra Fry
Sentiment: Negative
Post # 7933 posted in:
Rant & Rave - Relationships - Enemies
Palm Coast
Daytona Beach, Florida, United States

Kendra Divina Fry is a disgusting person who used to fake lesbian for male attention, and to make herself look like a "good little social justice warrior". Along with faking mentally ill, this was her entire personality back in high school. I absolutely hate this cunt for how fake she used to be and still is to this day, and the permanent trauma she is responsible for inflicting on others.

She is infamous for trying to hit on her friends' boyfriends, even though she is married to a man named Gaige Joseph Hanrahan (who she also stole from another girl, how quaint). She is responsible for giving a girl PTSD due to her behavior and has no remorse. She used to live in Daytona Beach but now lives in Palm Coast with her pathetic ugly cuckold husband, working a 9-5 as a pharm tech because she couldn't make it as an activist or porn star like she dreamed of. Sad!

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