
Crossing Over (2009) Blu-Ray DVD Starring Harrison Ford

Posted on 11/19/2011

List Price $14.95 US Dollars Total
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Condition: New
Available: Online
Quantity: 1
Shippable? True
Post # 574 posted in:
Shopping - Movies & TV Shows - Action & Adventure
Seattle, Washington, United States

Crossing Over is about a group of illegal aliens struggling to get legalized in Los Angeles with Harrison Ford starring as the good Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent Max Brogan and Ray Liotta as the bad immigration cop Cole Frankel. The movie has been compared to the Academy Award winning film Crash in that it examines a diverse group of minorities in Los Angeles, but instead of focusing on racial tensions between Americans it deals with illegal aliens from about as many backgrounds as you can fit into a movie just like Crash, but unlike Crash this movie never really caught on.

The main plot outline involves Brogan getting involved with the family of an illegal alien woman who was deported by personally taking her kid back to his grandparents in Mexico before finding the deported alien murdered at the border and going back to deliver the news to the family. Other sub-plots involve an illegal alien from Bangladesh being spied on by the FBI for running an Islamic extremist website, a South Korean kid who tried to stay on the right path before robbing a convenience store, and Cole Frankel agreeing to supply Australian alien wannabe actress Claire Shepard (Alice Eve) with a Green Card in exchange for 2 months of unlimited sex.

Credits (Actor - Character):

Harrison Ford - Max Brogan

Ray Liotta - Cole Frankel

Ashley Judd - Denise Frankel

Jim Sturgess - Gavin Kossef

Cliff Curtis - Hamid Baraheri

Mireya Sanchez - Alice Braga

Alice Eve - Claire Sheperd

Crossing Over Official HD Trailer

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