
Android Deleting Call Log & Messages Without Permission

Posted on 10/07/2011

Broader Topic: Verizon Wireless
Sentiment: Negative
Post # 429 posted in:
Rant & Rave - Business - Telecommunications
140 West Street
New York City, New York, United States

I just found out that my Verizon Wireless Andriod smartphone has deleted all of my call logs and messages that have not been sent or received within the past 5 months without my permission. As a result I have lost an important number that could have come in handy for promoting my business. I know why this happened, why they did it, and how to prevent it from happening again.

Verizon did this because they knew that my phone like any computer has limited memory and that if they never established a limit on storage that eventually its memory would get full and it would not be able to store new data. They could have just allowed the phones to store all call data until the storage device is full and instruct the user to delete data to free up memory, but their marketing people decided that most users would not like it. This is most likely due to flawed statistics weights the significance of all paying customers equally without realizing that some customer are more important than others. As someone who uses his phone to increase his own revenue I am more important that all Verizon customers who don't use their phone for commercial purposes are less important than any single customer who uses their phone to make money. They also know that many inferior customers they seek to serve are too stupid to understand simple direction asking them to select messages and call log entries that they would like deleted, that such stupidity is likely to result in calls made to customer service asking them how to do it because they can't read a sentence of few. As a result Verizon thinks that it is better for business to satisfy the stupidity of the masses than to manage its morons.

The easiest way to avoid my predicament is to store important numbers elsewhere just in case you might not need them within the next 5 months. I could have done this since I already knew that my call and message logs probably would not last forever, but I decided not to out of principal. The principal that Verizon needs to consider the potential value of one record over the desire of many and because I know that by posting this here it will increase the value of my website at a time when I should still be able to recover the number by calling them, logging into my Verizon account, or checking my emails. I also did it because even though I knew better I just forgot. Now I am suffering because of the stupid people who serve the idiots lack my genius and yes, I am a genius. I know that I am a genius because the last time I gave myself an IQ test I scored over a thousand and that make me more smarter than you.

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