
Libyan Rebel Owns Gaddafi's Hat, Chain, and Pimp Cane

Posted on 09/29/2011

Broader Topic: Gaddafi's Hat
Sentiment: Positive
Post # 397 posted in:
Rant & Rave - Government - Military
Bab al-Aziziya
Tripoli, Libya, Africa

This Libyan rebel owned Muammar Gaddafi's hat, pimp chain, and pimp cane the day Gaddafi fled Tripoli. Now he owns his former dictator online with the news interview he gave a reporter in English that became a viral video. In the embedded video below he tells the reporter that after fighting Gaddafi for months he took his compound, walked into his room, jacked his Libyan Army hat, one gold chain, and one pimp cane that Gaddafi used to slap bitches around.

As you can see in the picture he is wearing the army hat that Gaddafi made famous by wearing with his spiffy uniform. He says that his father suffered a lot because of Gaddafi, so he is going to give the hat to him.

Rebel Interviewed in Gaddafi's Hat

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Posted on 09/29/2011

I bet Obama's kicking himself for not doing that with Osama's turban.

Posted on 11/13/2011

This is great. Keeping it real with no respect.