
Crazy Hippie Was The Weirdest Neighbor of All Time

Posted on 09/20/2011

Broader Topic: Crazy Neighbors
Sentiment: Negative
Post # 369 posted in:
Rant & Rave - Relationships - Neighbors
Oregon State University
Corvallis, Oregon, United States

I've had some strange neighbors in my life, but the old hippie who lived in this creepy looking little house is by far the weirdest neighbor I have ever had. It started for me when I moved into the fraternity house next door in the fall of 2002 and ended when I transferred to a different school in the summer of 2003. I could put the address, but given the circumstances and time that has gone by I think it would be too mean. During that time this guy caused a number of incidents that year.

Shortly after pledging I was walking home one day and noticed a giant arrow pointing left with the words "GO LEFT" painted on the sidewalk in front of a creepy looking little house next door to the fraternity that had a little fence with a bunch of papers posted on it full of ramblings that didn't make any sense. It wasn't before I started hearing stories from older members about the crazy hippie next door who had been feuding with the chapter for nearly 20 years. They said he had a mental illness possibly bipolar disorder, would take pictures of the guys in their rooms sometimes, show up out front randomly, and was known by the police as someone who calls them frequently for no good reason.

After several months with nothing memorable besides creeping me out by looking at me weird and making frivolous calls to the police he had his first memorable flip out. One day during winter term I noticed him on the sidewalk in front of the house running backwards as close to the edge nearest to the house as possible until he collided with Snowball's SUV and propelled himself up onto the top of the hood. He blamed the collision on Snowball for parking his vehicle badly with the bumper slightly sticking out over the sidewalk from the parking lot. He may have called the police as well to report a hazard or something, but I can't remember for sure because it was a long time ago. It was around the time he put a homemade for sale sign his yard advertising his house for something like $60,000 and left it up for weeks even though it advertised the sale as "today only"

Once spring term rolled around he kept himself under control for the most part until he an unforgettable appearance on Mom's Weekend. My pledge class had been paired up with a sorority for the Oregon State University Sing competition that takes place every Mom's weekend. Fortunately our chapter was a wet house where adults could openly drink alcohol, so we invited the sorority and their mothers over for a barbecue at the house with us and our mothers. Crazy hippie showed up during the barbecue wearing his purple beret, standing on the sidewalk, and staring at everyone for several minutes with his creepy glare. Eventually Krusty asked him to leave politely at which point crazy hippie blurted out "you should not be drinking with loose women" before yelling "fucking alcoholics, bad parents" as Mad Dog walked him home.


After defacing his own property with incoherent rantings, running backwards in front of the house, jumping on Snowball's hood, calling the sorority girls "loose women", demonizing us as "fucking alcoholics", and accusing all our mothers of being "bad parents" crazy hippie is the weirdest neighbor that I have ever had. I don't have any grudges against the guy or anything, but the story too funny not to tell. He reminds of Dr. Drew when he said that people like Charlie Sheen can be "very entertaining" to those around them and I have to agree because this was completely harmless spectacle.

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