
Men in Black: Space Alien Disguised as Illegal Alien

Posted on 09/18/2011

Broader Topic: Men in Black
Sentiment: Positive
Post # 341 posted in:
Rant & Rave - Entertainment - Movies
The Border
Sierra Vista, Arizona, United States

Busting aliens was nothing new for agent Kay (Tommy Lee Jones) of Men in Black (MIB), but interrupting a U.S. Border Patrol human trafficking bust to inspect illegal alien cargo was not typically part of protecting the earth from the scum of the universe. What Kay and his aging partner found was a violent alien fugitive in violation of several intergalactic treaties.

It started out as a routing Border Patrol roadblock that was fortunate enough to snag a human trafficker in the act of smuggling a load of illegal Mexican immigrants into the United States, but just after the officer gives a friendly hello to the smuggler he knows and checking his cargo, a black car with two men in black business suits pulls up to take over the investigation. Agent Kay and his partner line up the group of illegal immigrants to find out which illegal alien is also an illegal space alien.

After walking down the line of illegal aliens asking questions in Spanish and getting responses that indicated that each alien questioned understood what he was saying he found one that did not understand Spanish at all. He lets the Mexicans go much to the objection of the Border Patrol officers, but overrules their authority. He walks his catch into desert just out of view of the Border Patrol to have a word with him. "Looks like you got off the bus in the wrong part of town amigo" He says, just before betting dollars to pesos that his discovery was "not from anywhere near" there, and then cutting off the fake Mexican disguise to reveal an extraterrestrial fugitive that he recognizes from a previous close encounter as Mikey. Kay inquires as to when Mikey was let out of jail and his response in alien speak leads Kay to indicate that the alien is claiming to be a Political Refugee before being informed that he is in violation of seven intergalactic treaties.

Everything is going smoothly until one of the Border Patrol officers gets nosey and spots the alien spotting him with tentacle eye looking behind him. Then the alien attacks the officer before Kay shoots him with some sort of ray gun that reduces him to a blue air born slime that bukkakes the officer. Then he erases his memory so that he won’t remember what happened that night.

Men in Black Patrolling Border

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