
Sarah Palin's Daughter's 7th Inning Stretch with A-Rod

Posted on 09/15/2011

Broader Topic: David Letterman
Sentiment: Positive
Post # 332 posted in:
Rant & Rave - Entertainment - Television
1 East 161st Street, Bronx
New York City, New York, United States

David Letterman jokes about Sarah Palin attending a Yankee game with her daughter who got knocked up during a 7th inning stretch with Alex Rodriguez. Dave thought that would be awkward, but what is even funnier is how Sarah Palin flipped out over it and took to the air ways as some sort of momma bear defending her cubs attacking Letterman for talking about her 14 year old daughter like that. It turns out Dave mistook Willow Palin for her 18 year old sister Bristol who already had a real life history of getting knocked up.

David Letterman Joking About Palin

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