
Police Tek Rape Shield = Worst Fake Product Joke Ever

Posted on 09/15/2011

Broader Topic: Reno 911
Sentiment: Negative
Post # 329 posted in:
Rant & Rave - Entertainment - Television
Reno Sheriffs Department
Reno, Nevada, United States

The Police Tek 2000 Rape Shield Undergarment infomercial sketch on Reno 911 has to be one of the most fucked up and stupid TV moments that can only find humor in how bad it is. The female officer starts out complaining about a lack of memory after a frat party and waking up with her "parts" hurting. Then Dangle tells her that she was raped.

Then he recommends that she wear this giant padded crotch protector with cheesy lights on the front and a key car alarm like device for controlling it, which makes it useless if the victim keeps the key chain in her pocket next time just in case she has to use the bathroom because the perpetrator could just take it out of her pocket to disable the rape shield.

Reno 911 Rape Shield Undergarment

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