
The New DayLabor.org Scheduled for Mid June Launch

Posted on 05/24/2011

Story or Event Date:
Tuesday June 14, 2011
Post # 32 posted in:
Community - News - Business
Portland, Oregon, United States

The new DayLabor.org is finally able to provide basic services for end users, but to make sure everything here works great we are pushing our launch back to mid June of this year. Once finished this website will offer the world a place capable of serving everyone's Day Labor needs with sections for all relevant things.

1. News - The section of the site that this post is in. The news section lets you post stories including announcements of future events such as job fairs and anything about day labor.

2. Job Search - The job search section will let you post an ad for a relevant job opening anywhere in the world.

3. Tools and Training - Shop online and advertise your tools and training programs.

4. Day Laborer Directory - Create a personal profile of yourself if you are a skilled laborer, manual laborer, or manager of laborers.

5. Business Directory - Create a profile for your business if you hire skilled or manual laborers to do work for people.

6. Research - Publish your research about the day labor market.

7. Employment Services Directory - Post an ad for your employment agency or other type of employment service.

Conclusion with so many possibilities the will be no limit to what kind of relevant information you can post on this site. We just ask that you put time, thought, and effort into your work, keep it on topic, and appropriate.

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Posted on 07/26/2011

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