
Cat Fight! Kari Ann Peniche VS Selma

Posted on 09/14/2011

Broader Topic: Sex Rehab
Sentiment: Positive
Post # 306 posted in:
Rant & Rave - Entertainment - Television
Pasadena Recovery Center
Los Angeles, California, United States

Routine bitching by former Miss Teen Oregon and Playboy Playmate Kari Ann Peniche escalates into a cat fight with with Selma, one of Dr. Drew's staff members.

It all starts out with Kari Ann and Selma screaming at each other before Kari Ann throws a vase against the wall. Selma decided to keep it real. Grabbing Kari Ann by the hair and forcing her down the hall like something out of "Inside American Jail".

Kari Ann Peniche VS Selma Cat Fight

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