
DayLabor.org Ready for Use Following Malware Hack

Posted on 08/21/2011

Story or Event Date:
Saturday August 20, 2011
Post # 121 posted in:
Community - News - Business
Portland, Oregon, United States

DayLabor.org is finally ready for use following a malware scare that delayed the launch a couple weeks. The first delay occurred when our development PC was infected with a rogue security program and we spent a weekend removing it. Normally malware does not take that long to remove, but Norton AntiVirus couldn't remove it. The second occurred when FTP credentials stolen by that program were used a couple weeks later to break into our file system and upload files with malicious script tags appended to them.

Fortunately users were not compromised because they received server error messages instead of seeing pages that would have tried to infect their computers. We also had all our files backed up, so once the passwords were changed we were able to restore the site. Most of the time spent on this involved diagnosing the error.

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