
Official Notice to Congressman Joseph Crowley

Posted on 05/08/2012

Broader Topic: Joseph Crowley
Sentiment: Negative
Post # 795 posted in:
Rant & Rave - Government - Legislative Branch
2404 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, District of Columbia, United States

In response to a threat created by him against the No Limit List network Representative Joseph Crowley of New York's 7th Congressional District is officially being put on notice that he is at risk of being declared an enemy of the No Limit List Project. If an enemy of the project is a member of the United States House of Representatives named Joseph Crowley then No Limit List may dedicate all resources available to removing that representative from his office before his term is up unless he agrees to leave his office immediately and never set foot in it again.

The best way for a member of Congress to avoid being declared an enemy of the project is to optimize his or her behavior so that it does not conflict with the objectives of the project. We were willing to consider a cessation of attacks by Representative Joseph Crowley against Prototype C as optimal behavior by an individual not in need of further optimization until today's incident for which we demand a public apology.

In the event that Representative Joseph Crowley engages in further hostilities against the No Limit List network which includes its prototypes Crowley and anyone aiding him in his endeavors may be subject to retaliatory mischief. On May 8, 2012 Crowley launched a noise pollution attack against Prototype C on MSNBC for which Crowley will be the target of minor mischief.

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