Christina cited for PC 166(4)(a) in fall 2023
Christina cited for PC 166(4)(a) in fall 2023

Beware: cheater, thief, herpes-carrier

Posted on 03/05/2024

Broader Topic: Christina
Sentiment: Negative
Post # 7829 posted in:
Rant & Rave - Relationships - Ex-Girlfriends
San Jose
San Francisco, California, United States

Christina is a life-long cheater and scam artist / criminal. She has herpes and will not disclose that to you. She has ties to several parts of Santa Clara County and has lived in Danville. In summer 2023 she was evicted from two places in Sacramento and may now be transient, reportedly in the San Jose area. Christina’s background is Italian, with two of her three possible surnames being Italian. Her height is about 5’2” or 5’3” and her weight is estimated to be 130 Lbs. She was born in 1969. Her build is unattractively mis-matched with a chubby torso but spindly legs. She has dark brown hair which was fairly short in late 2023. There is a tattoo of the word “Buddy” in cursive on her right bicep.

She is severely addicted to alcohol, prescription opiods to some degree, and marijuana products. Her alcoholism has caused anemia which necessitates blood transfusions. Once while very drunk at a party, she unintentionally dropped two of her brother's children, aged about 2.5 and 4, on their heads. Her voice is distinctly husky and vibrate-y such that she sounds like a wineo who just woke up on a park bench. She will steal anything she can from you and is a compulsive shoplifter. High-end groceries is one of her target items to steal. She is the restrained person in an elder abuse restraining order and in recent years has been evicted from at least two residences that I've heard about so far. Her MO is to get with guys for money, housing and alcohol/drugs. She preys on older vulnerable men (one such man died unexpectedly) and will use gaslighting, manipulation and intimidation. Her scheme is to establish tenancy, then wait out the eviction process while not paying rent nor utilities. She is drawing welfare from at least one account and tells the Employment Development Department she is too weak to work.

Christina is an avid gun user and has had a lot of practice with handguns at the firing range. It us uncertain but plausible that Christina has a gun. It is presently unlawful for her to own/posses a firearm, firearm part, or ammunition due to a restraining order. Christina has a severe anger problem and has been known to batter her mother and ex-husband.

Her second ex-husband detailed how Christina would be sloppy drunk in the middle of the day and be unfit to pick up their (respective) kids from school. On one occasion after eating a meal out, Christina tallied behind and stole money off the table, then urged her husband to drive away quickly, not telling him that she stole the money he paid for the meal. In January 2009 there was an unexplained fire in their house. Her husband was in distress in their burning home but Christina ran to save her jewelry box, then abandoned her husband. (google fire at 8 Diamond Ct, Danville in Jan 2009) While he was incapacitated in the hospital, Christina tried to get his company signed over to her. She diverted funds in his business which caused him legal troubles and lost clients. Three weeks after getting her name on the house, Christina filed for divorce and took approximately 1 million in divorce settlements and property. She filed a frivolous restraining order which was not upheld but she altered the document and forged the judge's signature which tricked her husband for a period of time. Throughout their relationship, she was cheating with multiple partners. This was discovered because she left a tablet behind which contained incriminating emails. Well after their divorce was finalized, the ex-husband got a girlfriend and Christina stalked them both.

video of Christina: click "Open Site in New Window

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Posted on 01/03/2025

Update: Christina has a felony warrant out of Santa Cruz County which was issued on Sept 11, 2024. It pertains to her burglary (PC 459) arrest on Aug 26, 2023.