She had sex wity her first cousin!
This disgusting excuse for a human being had sex with her first cousin, my husband. I found out that they were having an affair that started months ago, perhaps even years. They can't deny it because I have video proof and sexting message proof that dates back to 07/01/19 at least. The footage and messages are gross, especially since she is short and weighs upwards of 300 lbs AND LET'S NOT FORGET SHE IS HIS FIRST COUSIN. It is nasty.
Yes, I know, it takes two to tango, but she is the one that initiated the sex with her own first cousin. She would call him over to help her with something and she would get him drunk and I know that she took advantage of one of those drunken stupors to initiate sex with him. Alcohol is not excuse and they only did what they would have done anyways but this goes to show you how manipulative she is.
I've knows her for 29 years and have treated her like family, heck…SHE IS family! I had an open-door policy with her at my home and would have given her a place to stay if she were ever homeless! I've always know that she was a low life c*nt that could never get a man of her own, so she always stalked and slept with married men (her two children were with a man that was still with his wife and kids during both this sluts pregnancies. I feel so bad for those two kids.) but I NEVER in a million years expected her to stoop to such repulsive levels as to f#$k her own cousin.
She's 5' tall and weighs 300 lbs. and the only reason she gets these men is because she gets them drunk first and then gives EVERYONE her a$$ amongst other disgusting things that she does that no self-respecting woman would ever do. Her own children hate her (I guess that should have been a red flag right there) and her son even commented when he found that she f#$ked her own married cousin that "it doesn't surprise me." Isn't that sad?
She is also a raging alcoholic and that would only be a personal issue if it weren't for the fact that she is also an Uber driver and I know that she has gone directly to work after getting wasted with her cousin. It also wouldn't surprise me one bit if she has unprotected sex with the random passengers she picks up. I even told her that I was going to tell other family members about what was going on and her response was "I have no family, I have no friends, I don't care about ANYONE, so go ahead b*tch, they already know that I'm a wh*re." NO JOKE!
If you catch site of her, please be careful with this cum dumpster as she cares for no one but herself and because she doesn't even care about her own children or family, she doesn't care what other family's destruction and chaos she leaves in her wake. If you're a man, rest assured that she is not giving you anything for free…well, maybe she's giving you a sexually transmitted disease. She's not worth it and if you leave your wife and family for her (as other have done), she will just be f@#$ing the next married guy that cums along (she's been married 4 or 5 times, I lost count) and you will be left in the dust with nothing and trust me, from someone that knows only to well, SHE WON'T CARE!
Goes by these names:
Maydelin Acosta
Maydelin Acosta-Matilla
Maydelin Matilla
Maydelin Matilla-Acosta
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