
Kaspersky Mobile Security 9 Stops Unwanted Phone Calls

Posted on 01/07/2012

List Price $29.95 US Dollars Total
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Condition: New
Available: Online
Quantity: 1
Shippable? True
Post # 652 posted in:
Shopping - Software - Network Security
10/1 1st Volokolamsky Proezd
Moscow, Russia, Europe

Stop unwanted phone calls by adding Kaspersky Mobile Security 9 to your Symbian, Android, Blackberry, or Windows Mobile smartphone. Once installed you will be able to block unwanted phone calls and SMS text messages from collections agencies, telemarketers, political campaigners, obsessive exes, and anyone else you don't want to talk to simply by adding delinquent phone numbers to your blacklist. Once blacklisted those people will have about as much luck calling you as a communist looking for work in 1950s Hollywood.

Not just a tool to block annoying phone calls. Kaspersky Mobile Security also protects your phone from viruses while at the same time making sure that your private information (ex: passwords, usernames, text messages, contacts, etc.) stays private. If you have kids then you'll be happy to know that Kaspersky Mobile Security comes with parental control features to block bad people from calling your kids and a GPS tracking system to let you know where your daughter is at all times.

Anti-theft features put the icing on this colossal cake of smartphone safety by letting you block access to your phone and erase your data remotely. This makes it ideal for drug dealers whose phones have been confiscated by the police. Simply by sending your phone a preset SMS message you can delete your data to protect your suppliers and customers from unnecessary legal entanglements.

Summary of Key Features:

- Blacklist for blocking unwanted calls and test messages

- Anti-virus, anti-malware, and anti-spyware protection.

- GPS powered parental controls for tracking your kids.

- Anti-theft features for deleting data before it falls into the wrong hands.

See Kaspersky Mobile Security 9 in the commercial below. As you can see the German guy is stoked.

German Commercial for Kaspersky Mobile Security

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