#RobertEarlJonesJr  #Jbigbobby #bigbobbyjones
#RobertEarlJonesJr #Jbigbobby #bigbobbyjones

#BigBobbyJones #HSV2 Knowingly has #HSV2 #Jacksonville #Flordia

Posted on 02/18/2021

Sentiment: Negative
Post # 2981 posted in:
Rant & Rave - Relationships - Other
#Jacksonville #Florida #Riverside #Duval
Jacksonville, Florida, United States

I informed Robert Earl Jones Jr in November of 2020 he was positive for HSV2 I instantly knew he had passed on a #std to me during our three years together, I told him to tell the two women he was dating and he laughed theb in December he got one girl pregnant and the other he was sleeping with was still married so ye refused to tell her. Recently three other women who have been sexually active with #RobertEarlJonesJr #ALCO #TheWell #Jacksonville have had confirmed #hsv2 this man is a manipulator and liar he has now abanoned the girl he got pregnant and the married women now divorced once slept with her he basically said fuck off this man is a iv heroine user and somehow passed std to 4 women and continues to get away with it. Spread the word save the next women he is on dating sites #zoosk #baboo #meetme and #pof



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