
Day Labor Centers Promote Hiring Illegal Aliens

Posted on 08/11/2011

Story or Event Date:
Wednesday June 01, 2011
Post # 120 posted in:
Community - News - Business
San Francisco, California, United States

According to a UCLA study day laborers in Petaluma, California are overwhelmingly likely to be illegal aliens. This has led to accusations against hiring halls and day labor centers of hiring illegal aliens or promoting the hiring of illegal aliens. This was pointed out in a recent article by Jon Feere advocating for the use of E-Verify in Sonoma County to discourage the hiring of people who are in the country illegally.

Another alternative to hiring illegal workers would be for American workers and employers to connect online using sites like DayLabor.org. This site may not require screening to post a job opening, business, or worker profile, but due the fact that most day laborers are not as tech savvy as most and this site being written entirely in English the user base would be primarily native born. The tool exists, now people just need to start using it.

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